Cohort 4
Adam Doyle
Clinical change management
Health policy
Health inequalities
Chief Executive Officer/National Director - System Development, NHS Sussex/NHS England, United Kingdom
Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups

leadership vision

I aim to work with communities and colleagues that work within the public sector to create innovative and bespoke solutions to their needs. I aim to achieve this through working with people to empower them to lead, develop and make the changes they need to do.

my story

I applied to become a fellow of the Sciana Network because I wanted to learn and develop my thinking with a number of talented and interseing people.

I have found listening to different perspectives and hearing about different approaches to tackling some of our common problems to be the most rewarding part of our work together.

about me

Adam Doyle is the Chief Executive Officer for NHS Sussex, the Integrated Care Board (ICB) for Sussex. Adam has worked within the Sussex system for the last five years and as the Chief Executive Officer for the three Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), he has overseen the significant turnaround of the commissioning system across Sussex, having taken the original seven CCGs from an inadequate to a good position, and the reshaping of the Sussex ICS into one of the most improved systems in the country. In April 2023, Adam was also appointed as the National Director for System Development at NHS England, where he works with all Integrated Care Systems to respond to their individual health and care challenges. Adam started his NHS career as a physiotherapist and has held a number of senior healthcare roles, which have included advising government departments on key strategic public policy reforms.

more fellows

Jacqui Dyer
Lambeth Council
Jacqui Dyer
Deputy Leader of Council, Lambeth Council, London, United Kingdom
Nicola von Lutterotti
Nicola von Lutterotti
President of the Board of Trustees, the Max-Planck Institute for Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg; Science Writer; Author, Germany
Ursula Bonhage
Stiftung Stöckenweid
Ursula Bonhage
CEO, Stiftung Stöckenweid
Judith Proctor
Edinburgh Integration Joint Board
Judith Proctor
Chief Officer, Edinburgh Integration Joint Board, Scotland, United Kingdom
Lorena Dini
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Lorena Dini
Senior Health Systems Researcher and Designer, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Richard Stubbs
Yorkshire & Humber AHSN
Richard Stubbs
Chief Executive, Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber and Chair, National Health Innovation Network, United Kingdom
Oliver Reich
SWICA Health Organisation
Oliver Reich
Director, santé24, Switzerland
Dunja Nicca
University of Zürich
Dunja Nicca
Research Group Leader and Head, Advanced Practices Nurses (APN), Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI), University of Zurich, Switzerland
Beatrice Beck Schimmer
University of Zürich
Beatrice Beck Schimmer
Full Professor of Anesthesiology and Vice President Medicine, University of Zürich (UZH), Switzerland
Adrian Jonas
NHS England
Adrian Jonas
Chief Analyst for the North West Region, NHS England, United Kingdom
Rupert Suckling
Doncaster Council
Rupert Suckling
Director of Public Health, Doncaster Council in the North of England; Board Member, Association of Directors of Public Health, UK
Nora Kronig Romero
Federal Office of Public Health
Nora Kronig Romero
Vice-Director General, Federal Office of Public Health, Switzerland
Mario Desmedt
Swiss Nurse Leaders
Mario Desmedt
Nurse; Director of Nursing, Fondation Asile des Aveugles, Lausanne; President, Swiss Nurse Leaders Association, Switzerland
Claudia Witt
University of Zurich
Claudia Witt
Professor of Medicine, University of Zurich; Director, Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine; University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Carl Rudolf Blankart
University of Bern
Carl Rudolf Blankart
Professor of Regulatory Affairs, University of Bern, Switzerland
Adam Doyle
Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups
Adam Doyle
Chief Executive Officer/National Director - System Development, NHS Sussex/NHS England, United Kingdom

Meet the Partners

Sciana: The Health Leaders Network is a programme supported jointly by the Health Foundation (UK), Careum (CH) and the Bosch Health Campus (DE) in collaboration with Salzburg Global Seminar.